Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What day is it? 8/30, Yeah, that Sounds Right.

Posting my outfit this often is starting to make my brain feel mushy. I like to post my outfit a couple of times a week and then that leaves me the rest of the week for other posts and for wearing the same thing twice and being lazy. I know, lame, right? I do like this challege because it is forcing me to really think about how I mix my pieces. I do get it ruts sometimes where I wear the same several items, the same way every time. So there's that positive.


Today is the first time I've remixed a main item from my 30 items. I've remixed shoes and pants, but today I'm re-mixing the same dress from Day 2. I paired it with black leggings, purple cardi and tall black boots. I wanted to wear my diamond patterned tights, but I couldn't find them this morning. Looking at the outfit, I kind of wish I had gone with my grey leggings. Too much black, I think. I added my pebbles necklace for the finishing touch. I was going to add more jewelry, but I was running behind.

Busy day today. Sorry for the short post.


  1. Super cute!! I love the purple, and that's a great necklace! Yeah, its gotten harder for me to post an outfit every day lately too, things have gotten really hectic, I guess some of it is the time of year. :)

  2. I love that color purple on you and with the black!
    The Auspicious Life
